Thanks to all of you who left comments and words of encouragement.
The time is starting to fly by. I'm worried that I won't get everything done or that we'll forget something. I have to remind myself to put one foot in front of the other and before we know it we'll be heading north on I-5.
Our house/pet sitters (Karen & Justin) will be moving in a few day before we're scheduled to leave so the dogs can get to know them and we can show them how things work in the house. We're so fortunate to have them watching over everything while we're gone.
This is a little peek at the inside of our "Monty". The left side is the kitchen with an oven, microwave/convection oven, & double door refrigerator. The right side is the "dining room". The stairs in the center of the photo lead up to the bedroom suite with a shower and toilet. At the far left side is a glimpse of the TV with surround sound and below that is the fireplace. Who ever said you needed to rough it when you camped?
We started preparing for this three month adventure several months ago....
Do we have the proper clothing for all types of weather? No! So it was off to the mail order catalogs and stores while the sales of winter clothing were still in force. Now we're prepared for sunshine, rain, heat and cold! We have everything from hiking boots to sandals.
We stocked up on maps, travel guides, RV park directory (hard copy & computer version), "The Next Exit", and last but most important the 2007 Milepost. The Milepost is a must have guide to everything in Alaska, British Columbia, and the Yukon.
Our "Monty" is still in storage but we'll be bringing it home Monday, June 4th to start packing. Scheduled departure is Saturday, June 9th. to avoid weekday L.A. traffic.
I'll try to keep this blog updated as I have time and a WIFI connection.